This is the video for the official Barmy Army Ashes Anthem (I believe that's how the press release described it). For the uninitiated, the Barmy Army are either, (a) an official England cricket supporters club, a powerful business entity, and a damn good laugh, or (b) a damning indictment of the democratisation of cricket as a sport: no longer is a test match the preserve of well-educated, well-spoken, well-mannered individuals; instead, every day out at any test anywhere in the world will now be haunted by a relatively large group of fat, topless men, downing cheap lager and singing, "BARMY ARMY! BARMY ARMY!" over and over again, until everybody, everywhere is dead. (Sadly, that hasn't happened yet.) If you'll indulge me one last analogy, it's like going to watch Newcastle United playing football, except it last for 8 hours. And the songs aren't funny. And you can't laugh at Michael Owen.
Anyway, the video's been directed by Malcolm Green, former Song & Dance Maestro (or ECD, to use the accepted terminology) at DLKW, and if you look closely you might just spot that everybody in the video is an utter cock. You can buy the song on iTunes - you know, if you really, really hate yourself - or you can just do the decent thing, watch the video, express your anger with the fourteen year olds on YouTube and then get on with your life, safe in the knowledge that whatever you do, and whoever you are, you are a better person than every single person involved in the creation of this sub-Keith Allen, wannabe-Vindaloo monster-toss. Well done, you.
Oh. My. Days.
This is hilarious. Best post ever. I love you, Mr (?) Suit.
Fuck me, it has its own fucking dance? Or is that just something to get some extra jiggle out of the bra-less fat chicks?
Your support is inspiring. Between us, we can rid the world of ad-nausea like this. (Though that would, in some ways, be a shame.)
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